Archive for September 20, 2011

Words 2007 – Exercise 4

Dear students [PD/ELE/15],

So far you have learned how to create columns in Words 2007, thus I would like you to create a word document as your homework based on the given sample and show me during class on Monday 26th September 2011.

Note: All pictures / images for this exercise can be found in PD_ELE_15 live groups.

Sample Document : MS Words – Exercise 4 [click on the link to download]


Assalamualaikum and good afternoon to all,

Most of you PD/ELE/15, should have known that I have created a group called PD_ELE_15 in Live Groups and for now most of you should have received an email invitation to join PD_ELE_15 Live Groups. For those of you students who had not check your email; you better check them and thank you to those who had uploaded their exercises; keep it up.

The purpose of having a Live Group is:

  • It allows sharing files – easier for students to upload their work online. Thus no more pen drives.
  • Students can access the documents and files anywhere at any time.
  • They can review back the work that they had done.