Archive for September 17, 2011

Why learning computer is important..


Is learning computer important to our society nowadays? One should have learned and know how to use computer because being computer literate, you will be able to find work as most job requires at least a minimum skill of computer; as one said “computer skills is a significant asset to a country”Able to use some computer application can be considered as an advantage.

Computer skills refer to the ability to use the software and hardware of a computer. Being “computer functional” is usually what is meant by one with computer skills; computer literacy is only really evident in advanced computer skills.

They include:

Basic computer skills

  • Knowing how to switch on the computer
  • Being able to use a mouseto interact with elements on the screen
  • Being able to use the computer keyboard
  • Being able to shut down the computer properly after use

Intermediate skills

  • Functional knowledge of word processing
  • How to use e-mail (electronic mail)
  • How to use spreadsheets
  • How to use databases
  • How to use the internet
  • Installing software
  • Installing an operating system
  • Navigating a computer’s filesystem

To your own point of view, should computer be taught at an early age? How important is computer to you and how does computer affect your life?

Properly turning off the computer and monitor is a fairly an easy process, but if you don’t do it correctly it can cause damage to the hard drive and possible loss of needed information.

Why is it important to know the right way of turning off your computer?

  • It’s important to turn it off properly—not only to save energy, but also to ensure that your data is saved and to help keep your computer more secure.
  • Shutting down the computer and monitor within the operating system can help to maintain the program information as well as protect the computer hardware

To shut down computer in Windows Vista

You may shut down the computer by clicking on the arrow icon and choose Shut Down. The diagram below shows how you shut down your computer.

To put your computer in “Sleep” mode in Vista

Clicking on “Sleep” puts your computer in a low-power state, but doesn’t turn it off.

The main advantage is that it allows you to get back to work quickly, without having to wait for the computer to do a full reboot, which can take several minutes. Normally, pressing the computer’s power button “wakes it up” from Sleep mode, and is ready for action again within seconds.

To put your computer in “Sleep” mode, click on the arrow icon and choose Sleep (see the above image)